The Stone Age Institute Presents
Dr. David Lordkipanidze


David Lordkipanidze

"The Earliest Eurasians:
Early Homo from Dmanisi, the Caucasus"

Friday, May 2, 2014 at 4 pm
Whittenberger Auditorium,
Indiana Memorial Union
Indiana University, Bloomington

Skull 5 from Dmanisi

Dr. Lordkipanidze is Director of the Georgian National Museum in the Republic of Georgia, located in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. He is also a foreign member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science.

As featured recently on the front pages of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and National Geographic, Dr. David Lordkipanidze and his research team have discovered a treasure trove of protohuman fossils dating to 1.8 million years ago at Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia. These ancient fossil remains document the first expansion of Early Stone Age hominins out of Africa into Eurasia. The discovery at Dmanisi of a total of five skulls from one point in time shows a remarkable range of anatomical variation in early Homo, supporting the idea of a single evolving Homo lineage. The most recent find, Hominid Skull 5, represents the most complete skull of early Homo yet found.

This is a free public event. All are welcome.