Welcome to the Stone Age Institute

The Stone Age Institute is a federally-approved non-profit 501(c)(3), tax-exempt organization. Contributions to the Stone Age Institute are tax deductible, subject to federal and state guidelines. With the Stone Age Institute’s funding, we are able to hire and support researchers and staff, enhance laboratories and research projects, host visiting scientists, and provide informal science education lectures and programs to the community and the general public.

We were fortunate in being able to fund the purchase of our 30-acre property and construct and furnish the Stone Age Institute facility outright, and we have no debt encumbrance. We would like to express our profound thanks to our anonymous donors who have made the Stone Age Institute a reality, creating a growing and thriving research and educational institution which promises to make real contributions to our knowledge long into the future.

Your support is critical to the operation and growth of the Institute.

To make a tax deductible contribution, click here to donate.

The Stone Age Institute Federal Tax Identification Number is 35-2112461.

For more information, please contact:

Kathy Schick and
Nicholas Toth

by mail
1392 W. Dittemore Rd.
Gosport, IN

by phone

by email stoneageinstitute@gmail.com

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