2016 Olduvai Gorge Coring Project Workshop
November 18-19, 2016
The Stone Age Institute is gathering an interdisciplinary, international team of researchers from November 18-19, 2016 for the second Olduvai Gorge Core Project Workshop. The purpose of this Workshop is to present results of analyses of the Olduvai Gorge core samples retrieved during the Summer 2014 Olduvai Gorge drilling project. We will also discuss and develop plans for publication as well as possible future research and funding initiatives.
Researchers from Indiana University, Bloomington:
- Simon Brassell - Geology (geochemistry)
- Devon Colcord -Geology (organic geochemistry)
- Claudia Johnson - Geology (molluscs, Upper Beds)
- John Kearney - Geology (Upper Beds)
- Jackson Njau - Geology (paleoanthropology)
- Kathy Schick - Cognitive Science, Geology, and Biology
- Andrea Shilling - Geology (organic geochemistry)
- Nicholas Toth - Cognitive Science, Geology, and Biology
Researchers from other Universities in the U.S.:
- Alan Deino - Berkeley Geochronology Lab (argon-argon dating)
- Kate Freeman - Penn State U. (organic geochemistry)
- Chip (Clifford) Heil - U. Rhode Island (paleomagnetics)
- Lindsay McHenry - U. Wisconsin, Milwaukee (volcanic geochemistry/correlation)
- Anders Noren - U. of Minnesota (Director, LacCore)
- Jeffery Stone - Indiana State U. (diatoms)
Researchers from other Universities overseas:
- Sherif Mahmoud - King Abdullah U. of Science and Technology (seismic studies)
- Laura Parisi - King Abdullah U. of Science and Technology (seismology)
- Gerard Schuster - King Abdullah U. of Science and Technology (seismic studies)
- Ian Stanistreet - U. Liverpool (sedimentology/stratigraphy)
- Harald Stollhoffen - U. Erlangen (sedimentology/stratigraphy/volcanology)