The Stone Age Institute Presents
a Special Lecture by
Kathy Schick and Nicholas Toth
"The Origins of Everything:
From the Big Bang to the World Wide Web"
Stone Age Institute co-directors Nicholas Toth and Kathy Schick will give a special lecture introducing their new museum exhibit which will open at the Mathers Museum of World Cultures on October 23rd. The new exhibit From the Big Bang to the World Wide Web reveals the origins of everything, from the birth of the universe to the development of the cutting-edge technology of today. Visitors to the exhibit will be able to explore the evolution of life as we know it, from rocks older than the sun intself to the first personal computer and beyond.
This is a free public event. All interested are welcome. The Big Bang to the World Wide Web exhibit is sponsored by the Stone Age Institute, Indiana University, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.