Announcing a Research Webinar
by SAI's Outstanding Research Award-Winner
Dr. Johannes Haile-Selassie


Johannes Haile-Selassie

Dr. Johannes Haile-Selassie


We would like to announce that the 50th Journal of Anthropological Research Distinguished Lecture will be given by the Stone Age Institute's Outstanding Research Award Winner Dr. Johannes Haile-Selassie. The webinar will take place on Thursday, September 24th, 2020, at 9pm EDT. The research webinar focus will be "A new face to an old name: Recent discovery of a cranium of the earliest Australopithecus in Ethiopia."

Dr. Haile-Selassie is the Curator of Physical Anthropology at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and Adjunct Professor, Case Western Reserve University and was the recipient of the Stone Age Institute Award for Outstanding Research in Human Origins in 2009.

Anyone wishing to attend the webinar will need to register by going here.

For more information on Dr. Haile-Selassie's webinar, see the document below.