Stone Age Institute Researchers attend the 2019 East African Association of Paleoanthropology and Paleontology Conference in Nairobi, Kenya
The 2019 EAAPP conference was held on the campus of the Nairobi National Museum
The East African Association of Paleoanthropology and Paleontology hosts a biennial conference in a selected East African country in order to bring African and international researchers, scientists, museum curators, and cultural resources managers together in a forum to present current research findings, exchange scientific information and discuss current research development, museum ethics, policy, and practice.
The 2019 EAAPP conference was held August 1st-4th in Nairobi, Kenya, on the campus of the Nairobi National Museum. Stone Age Institute researchers Dr. Jackson Njau, graduate students Lana Ruck and Danielle Peltier-Thompson, and research staff member Jodi Pope Johnson attended the conference where a poster highlighting our research into deep coring and seismic experiments at Olduvai Basin was presented. Researchers involved in this project include Jackson Njau, Kathy Schick, Nicholas Toth, Ian Stanistreet, Lindsay McHenry, Harald Stollhofen, Kai Lu, Sherif Hanafy, Danielle Peltier-Thompson, Lana Ruck, and Gerard Schuster. As the poster presenter, Danielle Peltier-Thompson spoke with many interested researchers to answer their questions and discuss with them our research findings as well as ongoing research of the deep cores.