Featured Publications of Institute Research
201 . "Article." In (, Eds.), volume. city: Press. Pp. .
2014 Johnson, Claudia C.C., Njau, J., Kauffman, C.E., Kauffman, E., Toth, N., Schick, K., and Kearney, J. "Bivalve mollusc assemblage of Bed III, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania." 10th North American Paleontology Convention, Abstract Book, p. 35.
2012 Njau, Jackson. "Reading Pliocene Bones." Science, 336: 46-47.
2012 Schoenemann, P. Thomas. “Evolution of Brain and Language.” In (Michel A. Hofman and Dean Falk, Eds.), Evolution of the Primate Brain: From Neuron to Behavior. Series title: Progress in Brain Research, (Stephen Waxman, Donald G. Stein, Dick Swaab and Howard Fields, series Eds.). Amsterdam: Elsevier. Vol. 195, pp. 443-
2011 Monge, Janet and P. Thomas Schoenemann. “The Open Research Scan Archive (ORSA): A massive open-access archive of research quality computed tomography (CT) scans.” In (Roberto Macchiarelli & Gerd-Christian Weniger, Eds.), Pleistocene Databases: Acquisition, Storing, Sharing. Mettmann, Germany: Wissenschaftliche Schriften des Neanderthal Museums. Vol. 4, pp. 61-67.
2010 Stout, Dietrich, Sileshi Semaw, Michael J. Rogers, Dominique Cauche. "Technological variation in the earliest Oldowan from Gona, Ethiopia." Journal of Human Evolution 58:474-491.
2010 Sahnouni, Mohamed, Jan van der Made, and Melanie Everett. “Early North Africa: Chronology, Ecology, and Hominin Behavior: Insights from Ain Hanech and El-Kherba, northeastern Algeria.” Quaternary International 30(11-12): 1303-1317.
2010 Schoenemann, P. Tom. "The Meaning of Brain Size: The Evolution of Conceptual Complexity." In (Douglas Broadfield, Michael Yuan, Kathy Schick, and Nicholas Toth, Eds.), The Human Brain Evolving: Papers in Honor of Ralph L. Holloway. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press. Pp. 293-312.
2010 Toth, Nicholas and Kathy Schick. "Hominin brain reorganization, technological change, and cognitive complexity." In (Douglas Broadfield, Michael Yuan, Kathy Schick, and Nicholas Toth, Eds.), The Human Brain Evolving: Papers in Honor of Ralph L. Holloway. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press. Pp. 293-312.
2009 Sahnouni Mohamed, and Jan van der Made. The Oldowan in North Africa within a biochronological framework. In (K. Schick and N.Toth, Eds.), The Cutting Edge: New Approaches to the Archaeology of Human Origins. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press. Pp. 179-210.
2009 Nicholas Toth and Kathy Schick. “The Importance of Actualistic Studies in Stone Age Research. In (K. Schick and N. Toth, Eds.), The Cutting Edge: New Approaches to the Archaeology of Human Origins. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press. Pp 267-344.
2009 Semaw, Sileshi, Michael Rogers, and Dietrich Stout. “Insights into Late Pliocene Lithic Assemblage Variability: The East Gona and Ounda Gona South Oldowan Archaeology (2.6 Million Years Ago), Afar, Ethiopia. In (K. Schick and N. Toth, Eds.), The Cutting Edge: New Approaches to the Archaeology of Human Origins. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press. Pp. 211-246.
2009 Schoenemann, P. Thomas. "Evolution of Brain and Language." Language Learning 59(s1):162-186
2009 Stout, Dietrich, Nicholas Toth, Kathy Schick, and Thierry Chaminade. “Neural Correlates of Early Stone Age Toolmaking: Technology, Language and Cognition in Human Evolution.” In (C. Renfrew, C. Frith, and L Malafouris, Eds.) The Sapient Mind: Archaeology Meets Neuroscience. Pp. 1-19.
2009 Toth, Nicholas and Kathy Schick. “The Oldowan: The Tool Making of Early Hominins and Chimpanzees Compared.” Annual Review of Anthropology 38:289-305.
2009 Whiten, Andrew, Kathy Schick and Nicholas Toth. “The evolution and cultural transmission of percussive technology: Integrating evidence from palaeoanthropology and primatology.” Journal of Human Evolution, 57(4): 420-435.
2009 Beckner, Clay, Richard Blythe, Joan Bybee, Morten H. Christiansen, William Croft, Nick C. Ellis, John Holland, Jinyun Ke, Diane Larsen-Freeman, P. Tom Schoenemann. “Language Is a Complex Adaptive System: Position Paper,” Language Learning, 59(Suppl. 1):1-26
2008 Kleinsasser, L., Quade, J., Levin, N., Simpson, N., McIntosh, W.C. and Semaw, S. Geochronology of the Adu-Asa Formation, Gona, Ethiopia. Geological Society of America Bulletin, Special Volume 446:33-65.
2008 Quade, J., Levin, N., Simpson, S.W., Butler, R., McIntosh, W., Semaw, S., Kleinsasser, L., Dupont-Nivet, G., Renne, P. and Dunbar, N.. The Geology of Gona, Ethiopia. Geological Society of America Bulletin, Special Paper 446:1-31.
2008 Simpson, Scott, Jay Quade, Naomi Levin, Robert Butler, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Melanie Everett, Sileshi Semaw. Science 322:1089-1092.
2007 Sahnouni, Mohamed and Abdelkader Derradji. “The Lower Palaeolithic of the Maghreb: Current State of Knowledge.” Adumatu: A Semi-Annual Archaeological Refereed Journal on the Arab World 15:7-44.
2007 Schick, Kathy, Nicholas Toth, Thomas Gehling, and Travis Pickering. “A Taphonomic Analysis of an Excavated Striped Hyena Den from the Eastern Desert of Jordan.” In (Travis Pickering, Kathy Schick, and Nicholas Toth, Eds.) Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. “Bob” Brain. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press. Pp. 75-106.
2007 White, Tim and Nicholas Toth. “Carnivora and Carnivory: Assessing Hominid Toothmarks in Zooarchaeology.” In (Travis Pickering, Kathy Schick, and Nicholas Toth, Eds.) Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. “Bob” Brain. Pp. 281-296. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press.
2006 Hadjoius, Djillali and Mohamed Sahnouni. “Pelorovis howelli nov. sp. (Mammalia, Artiodactyla): a new bovine from the Lower Pleistocene site of Ain Hanech (El-Kherba locus), Northeastern Algeria.” Geobios 234:1-6.
2006 Sahnouni, Mohamed. “Les plus vieilles traces d'occupation humaine en Afrique du Nord. Perspective de l'Ain Hanech, Algérie.” Comptes Rendus Palevol, 5 (1-2): 243-254.
2006 Sahnouni, Mohamed. “The North African Early Stone Age and the Sites at Ain Hanech, Algeria.” In In (Nicholas Toth and Kathy Schick, Eds.) The Oldowan: Case Studies into the Earliest Stone Age. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press. Pp. 77-111.
2006 Schick, Kathy and Nicholas Toth. “An Overview of the Oldowan Industrial Complex: The Sites and the Nature of Their Evidence.” In (Nicholas Toth and Kathy Schick, Eds.) The Oldowan: Case Studies into the Earliest Stone Age. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press. Pp. 3-42.
2006 Semaw, Sileshi. “The Oldest Stone Artifacts from Gona (2.6-2.5 Ma), Afar, Ethiopia: Implications for Understanding the Earliest Stages of Stone Knapping.” In (Nicholas Toth and Kathy Schick, Eds.) The Oldowan: Case Studies into the Earliest Stone Age. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press. Pp. 43-75.
2006 Stout, Dietrich, Nicholas Toth, and Kathy Schick. “Comparing the Neural Foundations of Oldowan and Acheulean Toolmaking: A Pilot Study Using Positron Emission Tomography (PET).” In (Nicholas Toth and Kathy Schick, Eds.) The Oldowan: Case Studies into the Earliest Stone Age. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press. Pp. 321-331.
2006 Toth, Nicholas, Kathy Schick, and Sileshi Semaw. 2006. “A Comparative Study of the Stone Tool-Making Skills of Pan, Australopithecus, and Homo sapiens. In (Nicholas Toth and Kathy Schick, Eds.) The Oldowan: Case Studies into the Earliest Stone Age. Gosport, Indiana: Stone Age Institute Press. Pp. 155-222.
2005 Domínguez-Rodrigo, M., Pickering, T.R., Semaw, S. and Rogers, M. Cutmarked bones from archaeological sites at Gona, Afar, Etiopía: Implications for the function of the world’s oldest sotne tools. Journal of Human Evolution, 48:109-121.
2005 Sahnouni, Mohamed, Editor. Le Paléolithique en Afrique: L’Histoire la Plus Longue. Paris: Éditions Artcom’.
2005 Sahnouni, Mohamed. Point des connaissances du Paléolithique ancient d’Afrique du Nord et la question de la première occupation humaine au Maghreb. In (M. Sahnouni, Ed.): Le Paléolithique en Afrique: L’Histoire la Plus Longue. Paris: Éditions Artcom’. Pp. 99-128.
2005 Semaw, Sileshi. Les plus anciens artefacts lithiques (2.6-2.5 millions d’années) des site archéologiques du Pliocène Final de EG-10 et EG-12 à Gona Est, Afar, Ethiopie. In (M. Sahnouni, Ed.) Le Paléolithique en Afrique: L’Histoire la Plus Longue. Paris: Éditions Artcom’. Pp. 13-52.
2005 Stout, D., Quade, J., Semaw, S. and Rogers, M. Raw material selectivity of the earliest tool makers at Gona, Afar, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution, 48:365-380.
2005 Semaw, Sileshi, Scott Simpson, Jay Quade, Paul Renne, Robert Butler, William McIntosh, Naomi Levin, Manuel Dominguez-Rodrigo, and Michael Rogers. “Early Pliocene Hominids from Gona, Ethiopia.” Nature 433:301-304.