The Stone Age Institute Presents
2006 Outstanding Research Award Winner
Dr. David Lordkipanidze


David Lordkipanidze

"The First Humans Outside of Africa: Evidence at 1.8 Million Years Ago from Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia"

November 8th at Noon
Whittenberger Auditorium
Indiana Memorial Union
Indiana University, Bloomington

Dmanisi Archaeology Site

Professor David Lordkipanidze is the first Director General of the Georgian National Museum (GNM). Lordkipanidze led the discovery of the earliest known hominid remains outside of Africa at Dmanisi in the Republic of Georgia and has authored more than 120 scientific articles published in scientific journals such as Nature, Science Magazine, Proceedings of US National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Human Evolution and others.

Lordkipanidze will speak about the site of Dmanisi in the Republic of Georgia (between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea) that has revolutionized our ideas about the spread of hominids out of Africa. As the paleoanthropologist directing the Dmanisi project and excavations, he and his international team of scientists are providing exciting new fossil discoveries showing surprisingly early occupation of Eurasia by 1.8 million years ago. Several complete hominid skulls have already been excavated, showing their primitive nature (with brains about half the size of modern humans) and a remarkable range of variation among individuals. This site has also produced thousands of fossil animal bones of extinct species and primitive stone tools.

For more information on Professor Lordkipanidze and his research at this important and fascinating site, visit the Dmanisi Website.

This is a free public event presented by the Stone Age Institute. All interested are welcome.