The Stone Age Institute Presents
the 2013 Leighton A. Wilkie Memorial Lecture
by Dr. Fred Smith


Fred Smith

“The 2.5% Solution:
The Role of Neanderthals in Modern Human Origins”

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 at 7:00 pm
University Club, The President's Room
Indiana Memorial Union
Indiana University, Bloomington

Fred H. Smith is a professor and department chair of the Anthropology Department at Illinois State University. He has worked on Neanderthal and early modern human fossil material for almost 40 years. His research is focused on the role of Neanderthals in the emergence of modern humans in western Eurasia. His publications number seven books and over 150 professional articles. His 1984 book, The Origin of Modern Humans, was named best book in the life sciences that year by the American Association of Publishers, and his newest book, The Human Lineage (with Matt Cartmill), was published in 2009 by Wiley-Blackwell. Smith has carried out field and laboratory research in Europe, West Asia, and Africa and has taught at the Universities of Hamburg and Tuebingen (Germany) and Zagreb (Croatia).

His lecture will focus on the fossil and genetic evidence for the role of Neanderthals in modern human origins.

This is a free public event. All are welcome.