Gona Bibliography (1975-2011)


Published Reports


Semaw, S. (2010). Gona Palaeoanthropological Research Project, Final grant report. Anthroquest. The Newsletter of the Leakey Foundation, Winter/Spring 2010.


Semaw, S. (2007). The Gona Palaeoanthropological Research Project, Afar, Ethiopia. Anthroquest. The Newsletter of the Leakey Foundation, Summer 2007.



Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals & Chapters in Edited Books


Semaw, S. (2010).The emergence of stone tools at 2.6 Ma: The archaeological evidence from Gona, Afar, Ethiopia. Les premiers peuplements préhistoriques sur les different continents. Colloque International dans le cadre du centre du cnetenaire de l’Instut de Paléontologie humaine (1910-2010). Institut de Paleontologie Humaine, June 2-6, 2010, Paris, France.


Stout, D., Semaw, S., Rogers, M.J., and Cauche, D. (2010). Technological Variation in the earliest Oldowan from Gona, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution, 58:474-491.


Rogers, M.J. and Semaw, S. (2009). From Nothing to Something: The Appearance and Context of the Earliest Archaeological Record. In Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions. P. Chauhan and M. Camps (Eds.). Springer Press, pp.155-171.


Semaw, S., Rogers, M. and Stout, D. (2009a). Insights into Late Pliocene Lithic Assemblage Variability: The East Gona and Ounda Gona South Oldowan Archaeology (2.6 Million Years Ago), Afar, Ethiopia. In The Cutting Edge: New Approaches to the Archaeology of Human Origins. N. Toth and K. Schick (Eds.), CRAFT Press, Bloomington, pp. 213-246.


Semaw, S., M.J. Rogers and Stout, D. (2009b).The Oldowan-Acheulian Transition: Is there a ‘Developed Oldowan’? In Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions. P. Chauhan and M. Camps (Eds.), Springer Press, pp. 173-193.


Everett, M. The Paleoecology of the Pleistocene Upper Busidima Formation, Gona, Afar Depression, Ethiopia. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN., (Defended, not filed).


Kleinsasser, L., Quade, J., Levin, N., Simpson, N., McIntosh, W.C. and Semaw, S. (2008). Geochronology of the Adu-Asa Formation, Gona, Ethiopia. The Geological Society of America Bulletin, Special Paper 446:33-65.


Levin, N. (2008). Isotopic Records of Plio-Pleistocene Climate and Environments in Eastern Africa. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.


Levin, N., Simpson, S., Quade, J., Cerling, T. and Frost, S. (2008). Herbivore enamel carbon isotopic composition and the environmental context of Ardipithecus at Gona, Ethiopia. The Geological Society of America Bulletin, Special Paper 446:215-234.


Quade, J., Levin, N., Simpson, S.W., Butler, R., McIntosh, W., Semaw, S., Kleinsasser, L., Dupont-Nivet, G., Renne, P. and Dunbar, N. (2008). The Geology of Gona, Ethiopia. The Geological Society of America Bulletin, Special Paper 446:1-31.


Simpson, S.W., Quade, J., Levin, N., Butler, R., Dupont-Nivet, G., Everett, M. and Semaw, S.. A complete female Homo erectus pelvis from Gona, Ethiopia. Science 322:1089-1092.


Semaw, S. (2000). The World’soldest stone artifacts from Gona, Ethiopia: Their implications for understanding stone technology and patterns of human evolution between 2.6-2.5 million years ago. In Human Evolution Source Book. R.L. Ciochon and J.G. Fleagle (Ed.), pp 256-271. Reprinted by permission from the Journal of Archaeological Science (2000).


Semaw, S. (2006). The oldest stone artifacts from Gona (2.6-2.5 Ma), Afar, Ethiopia: Implications for understanding the earliest stages of stone knapping. In The Origins of Human Technology: Studies into the Early Stone Age (Oldowan). N. Toth and K. Schick (Eds.), CRAFT Press, Bloomington, IN.


Semaw, S, Rogers, M., Simpson, S., Quade, J. and Levin, N. (2006). Insights on the beginnings of early hominid stone technology, and recent archaeological and hominid discoveries from Gona, Afar, Ethiopia. Lucy, 30 ans après: Hominidés et environments en Afrique de 7 á 1.5 million d’années: novelles decouvertes et voies recherche, 12-14 June, Aix en Provence, France.


Toth, N., Schick, K. and Semaw, S. (2006). A technological comparison of the stone tool-making capabilities of Australopithecus/early Homo, Pan paniscus, and Homo sapiens, and possible evolutionary implications. In The Origins of Human Technology: Studies into the Early Stone Age (Oldowan). N. Toth and K. Schick (Eds.), CRAFT Press, Bloomington, IN.


Domínguez-Rodrigo, M., Pickering, T.R., Semaw, S. and Rogers, M. (2005). Cutmarked bones from archaeological sites at Gona, Afar, Etiopía: Implications for the function of the world’s oldest sotne tools. Journal of Human Evolution, 48:109-121.

Semaw S. (2005). Les plus anciens artefacts lithiques (2,6-2,5 millions d'années) des sites archéologiques du Pliocène Final de EG-10 et EG-12 à Gona Est, Afar, Ethiopie. In (Sahnouni, Ed.) Le Paléolithique en Afrique: L'histoire la plus longue. Artcome/Errance, Paris.

Semaw, S., Simpson, S.W., Quade, J., Renne, P.R., Butler, R.F., McIntosh, W. C., Levin, N., Dominguez-Rodrigo, M. and Rogers, M.J. (2005). Early Pliocene Hominids from Gona, Ethiopia. Nature, 433:301-305.

Stout, D., Quade, J., Semaw, S. and Rogers, M. (2005). Raw material selectivity of the earliest tool makers at Gona, Afar, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution, 48:365-380.


Levin, N.E., Quade, J., Simpson, S.W., Semaw, S. and Rogers, M. (2004). Isotopic evidence for Plio-Pleistocene environmental change at Gona, Ethiopia. Earth and Planetray Science Letters, 219:93-100.

Levin, N, Quade, J., Semaw, S., Schick, K., Toth, N., and Simpson, S.W. (2004). Plio Pleistocene environments of Gona, Ethiopia: the isotopic record for pedogenic carbonate and fossil teeth. Abstract, The Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, November 5-8, 33 (6).

Quade, J., Levin, N., Semaw, S., Stout, D., Renne, P., Rogers, M. and Simpson, S.W. (2004). Paleoenvironments of the Earliest Stone Toolmakers, Gona, Ethiopia. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 116:1529-1544.

Simpson, S.W., Quade, J. Levin, N.E., Renne, P.R., Butler, R., McIntosh, W., and Semaw, S. (2004). Early Pliocene hominids and their environments at Gona, Ethiopia. AAPA 73rd Annual Meeting, April 16, Tampa, Florida (AAPA Website).


Semaw, S., Rogers, M.J., Quade, J., Renne, P.R., Butler, R.F., Stout, D., Dominguez-Rodrigo, Hart, W., Pickering, T. and Simpson, S.W. (2003). 2.6-Million-year-old stone tools and associated bones from OGS-6 and OGS-7, Gona, Afar, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution, 45:169-177.


Semaw, S., Schick, K., Toth, N., Simpson, S., Quade, J., Rogers, M., Renne, P., Stout, D. and M. Dominguez-Rodrigo. (2002). Recent discoveries from Gona, Afar, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution, 42, A33.

Stout, D. and Semaw, S. (2002). Knapping skills of the earliest stone-tool makers: Insights from the study of modern human novices. In The Origins of Human Technology: Studies into the Early Stone Age (Oldowan). N. Toth and K. Schick, (eds.), CRAFT Press, Bloomington, IN.

Toth, N., Schick, K. and Semaw, S. (2002). A technological comparison of the stone tool-making capabilities of Australopithecus/ early Homo, Pan paniscus, and Homo sapiens, and possible evolutionary implications. Journal of Human Evolution, 42, A36.


Semaw, S., Schick, K., Toth, N., Rogers, M.J., Quade, J., Simpson, S.W. and Dominguez-Rodrigo, M. (2001). Further 2.5-2.6 million year old artifacts, new Plio-Pleistocene archaeological sites and hominid discoveries of 1999 from Gona, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution, 40, A20.

Simpson, S.W., Semaw, S., Schick, K., Toth, N., Quade, J., Dominguez-Rodrigo, M. and Rogers, M.J. (2001). Early Pliocene hominid remains from Gona, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution, 40, A21-22.


Semaw, S., (2000). The World’soldest stone artifacts from Gona, Ethiopia: Their implications for understanding stone technology and patterns of human evolution between 2.6-2.5 million years ago. Journal of Archaeological Science, 27:1197-1214.


Semaw, S. (1997). Late Pliocene Archaeology of the Gona River Deposits, Afar, Ethiopia. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ.

Semaw, S., Renne, P., Harris, J.W.K., Feibel, C., Bernor, R., Fesseha, N. and Mowbray, K. (1997). 2. 5 million-year-old Stone tools from Gona, Ethiopia. Nature, 385:333-338.


Semaw, S., J.W.K. Harris, C.S. Feibel and R. Bernor. (1994). Archaeology of the Gona River, West-central Afar region of Ethiopia. Nyame Akuma, 42:56.


Harris, J.W.K. and Semaw, S. (1989). Further archaeological studies at the Gona River, Hadar, Ethiopia. Nyame Akuma, 31:19-21.

Pending Manuscripts


Simpson, S.W., Kleinsasser, L., Quade, J., Levin, N.E., McIntosh, W.C., Dunbar, N. and Semaw, S. Late Miocene teeth from the Gona Palaeonathropological Research Project Area, Afar, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolutioin.


Sahnouni, M., Semaw, S. and Rogers, M. The Acheulian: Archaeology and the further Evolution of the Genus Homo. Oxford University Handbook, P. Mitchell (Ed.).


Rogers, M.J, Semaw, S. and Stout, D. The earliest archaeological record: Expanding our knowledge of the first toolmakers at Gona, Ethiopia. Paper presented at the International Conference on Paleoanthropology, Paleontology and Archaeology in Ethiopia, “Transforming the Might of a Century Long Research Output into Development,” January 2008. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A manuscript submitted to the ARCCH and the Ethiopian Millennium Festival National Council Secretary Office. January, 2008.


Semaw, S. Rogers., M.J., Stout, D., Simpson, S.W., Quade, J., Levin, N. and Renne, P.R. Archaeologial and hominid discoveries (1999-2008) from the Gona Palaeoanthropological Research Project Study Area, Afar, Ethiopia. In Paleoanthropology, Paleontology and Archaeology in Ethiopia, “Transforming the Might of a Century Long Research Output into Development.” A manuscript submitted to the ARCCH and the Ethiopian Millennium Festival National Council Secretary Office. January, 2008.


Earlier & Other Publications on Gona


Ruff, C. (2010). Body size and body shape in early hominins – implications of the Gona Pelvis. Journal of Human Evolution, 58:166-178.


Lo´pez-Sa´ez, J.A, Dominguez-Rodrigo, M. (2009). Palynology of OGS-6a and
OGS-7, two new 2.6 Ma archaeological sites from Gona, Afar, Ethiopia: insights on aspects of Late Pliocene habitats and the beginnings of stone tool use. Geobios 42: 503–511.


Hanson, B. (2005). Early Toolmakers. Science, 307:18.


Wood, B.A. (1997). The oldest whodunit in the world. Nature, 385:392-393.


Roche, H. (1996). Remarque sur les plus anciennes industries en Afrique et en Europe. Colloquium VIII: Lithic Industries, Language and Social Behaviour in the First Human Forms, IUPSS Congress, Forli, pp. 55–68.


Harris, J.W.K. (1986) Découverte de matériel archéologique Oldowayen dans le Rift de l'Afar. L'Anthropologie, (Paris) 90:339-357.

Tiercelin, J.J. (1986). The Pliocene Hadar Formatioin, Afar Depression of Ethiopia. In L.E. Frostick, R.W. Renaut, I. Reid, and J.J. Tiercelin (eds.) Sedimentation in the African Rifts. Palo Alto: Blackwell Scientific. (Geological Society Special Publication No. 25), pp. 225-240.


Harris, J.W.K. (1983). Cultural beginnings: Plio-Pleistocene archaeological occurrences from the Afar, Ethiopia. African Archaeological Review, 1:3-31.


Harris, J.W.K. and Johanson, D.C. (1982). Archaeological discoveries in the Afar region, Ethiopia: the Gona archaeological site. In XIth Congress of the International Union of Quaternary Research (INQUA), vol. 11:98. Moscow.

Harris, J.W.K. (1982). Further commentary on the earliest known stone tools. The South African Archaeological Society Newsletter, 5:1-2.


Lewin, R.(1981).Ethiopian Stone Tools Are World's Oldest. Science, 211:806-807.


Corvinus, G. and Roche, H. (1980). Prehistoric exploration at Hadar in the Afar (Ethiopia) in 1973, 1974 and 1976. In In: Leakey, R. E. F., Ogot, B.A. (eds.) Proceedings, VIIIth Panafrican Congress of Prehistory and Quaternary Studies. Nairobi, 186-88.

Roche, H., Tiercelin, J. J. (1980). Industries lithiques de la formation Plio-Pléistocène d'Hadar: campagne 1976. In: Leakey, R. E. F., Ogot, B.A. (eds.) Proceedings, VIIIth Panafrican Congress of Prehistory and Quaternary Studies. Nairobi, pp. 194-199.


Taieb, M., Johanson, D.C., Coppens, Y. and Tiercelin, J.J. (1978). Expedition internationale de l’Afar, Ethiopie. (4e 5e camagnes, 1975-1977) ; chronostratigraphie des gisements a Hominides Pliocenes d’Hadar et correlations avec les sites prehistorique du Kada Gona. Compte Rendues des Seances de l’Academie des Sciences.


Roche, H., Tiercelin, J. J. (1977). Découverte d'une industrie lithique ancienne in situ dans la formation d'Hadar, Afar central, Éthiopie. Compte Rendues des Seances de l’Academie des Sciences. Paris D 284, 187-174.


Corvinus, G. (1976). Prehistoric exploration at Hadar, Ethiopia. Nature, 261:571-572

Corvinus, G. and Roche, H. (1976). La préhistoire dans la région de Hadar (Bassin de l’Awash, Afar, Ethiopie ) : Premiers resultats. L’Anthropologie, 80 :315-324.


Corvinus, G. (1975). Palaeolithic remains at the Hadar in the Afar region. Nature, 256:468-471






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