Ancestral Faces (instrumental)

Image of the Ancestral Faces CD cover

Above: Ancestral Faces CD cover © 2011 THE STONE AGE INSTITUTE®. The "ancestral faces" are (left to right) Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Homo heidelbergensis, and (bottom) Australopithecus boisei ("Zinjanthropus").


This instrumental version of "Ancestral Faces" was inspired by recordings of Latin artist Trini Lopez. Nick Toth won his Ohio high school talent show in 1969 with a rendition of Trini Lopez's version of "La Bamba," (on the same Brooklyn High School stage where Elvis Presley in 1955 gave his first filmed concert, check it out "here").

In our recording of "Ancestral Faces," Nick is playing the melody, with Seymour playing the solo.

"Ancestral Faces (instrumental)"

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"Ancestral Faces" © 2011. Music and Lyrics by Nicholas Toth and Kathy Schick, THE STONE AGE INSTITUTE®. All rights reserved.

Lead Guitar:
Seymour Duncan

Sage Benado

Nicholas Toth

Henry Corning

Drums and Percussion:
Tom Schoenemann

Kathy Schick

Kevin Loyal

Recorded at Echo Park Studio © 2011, THE STONE AGE INSTITUTE®.